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About Carole

Carole's earliest foray into the world of art was a charcoal and pen drawing of a tree which won a placing in the Junior Schools of UK annual art competition in the 1960s. She studied Art at senior school and gained an A certification. After a spell as a young mother, when creating art was put to one side, a chance meeting and subsequent friendship at the University of Nottingham, with Artist and lecturer, Carole Glover, inspired and encouraged her to further explore the world of abstract art. She began by utilising watercolour medium but her love of natural forms and strong colours took her on a journey to acrylic painting. Now inspiration is taken from Canterbury’s wide-open spaces, the skies with their ever-changing cloud formations and the ocean. A keen gardener and rose grower has also influenced some of her works. A more recent introduction to Collaging has been added to her portfolio and is something she is developing to incorporate into some of her acrylic works. Recently one of her collages was sold and is now at home in Australia.


The pieces

All the pieces shown here are original works. The collection is continuously changing with new works replacing those sold. The nature of Carole's work means that no two pieces are alike but may follow a theme. Signed prints may also be available on request as are digital prints.

At this time prices are supplied on application, however this may change in the near future.

Please do not hestitate to contact Carole if you are interested in any of the works available.


Please do contact Carole if you are interested in her work or wish to make a purchase.